ELTIM PA-4766, 2x 50W Power Amplifier modules

We developed an ELTIM way built stereo amplifier module based on the very nice performing / cost effective LM4766 IC from Texas Instruments. We use the original TI IC, other quality components and double sided quality FR4+ boards, avoiding a dissapointing sound quality and a short life cycle.
With these modules you can build a cost effective, quality and long lasting amplifier yourself. The IC (original TI, with metal back plate) can be used at full, resulting in a max. output of 2x 50W. Especially the versions with integrated, symmetrical power supply are interesting. With those, you only need to connect a transformer to make it work.

These modules are a nice starter project and/or for those who need only medium (2x50W) power. You can connect it f.e. to your PC or Smartphone (headphone output). It is also very easy to build multichannel systems with these modules by a clever sandwich construction, as a pack mounted to a large heatsink.

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