In this section we present our amplifier and other designs as DIY kits, meaning that you received a bare PCB and a handfull of components, which you had to solder and assemble yourself. We spent a lot of time and efford in providing documentation and trouble free designs.
Somehow and unfortunatelly, some DIY projects appear to fail. We helped out some of them to find out why this happens: incorrect mounted components, incorrect and even incomplete wiring, shortcuts, bad solderings, not reading docs, etc. etc. This results in a lot of work here, but OK.
Too many also do bad mechanical work (causing shortcuts under Mosfets and bad heat transfer, f.e.), use poor power supplies, etc. etc. resulting in a bad or even not performing or oscillating amplifier. A few talk about this on fora and blame us, ELTIM audio. Of course.
DIY not means just connecting a few wires and fix some screws, saving a lot of money. You need to have (learn) mechanical and soldering, etc. skills, but also need to be able to find a possible fault you made!
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